Paper report

This report is the equivalent of a final exam for the course.

The goal of this task is to get used to reading and understanding scientific papers. You will find that the best papers tend to have a clear message, making it easy to understand the motivation and the novelty of the presented work. Thus, the task consists of reading a paper about a relevant topic for the course and writing a report (max 2 pages) explaining it (see the guidelines below).

List of papers

Here, we provide a list of high quality papers that have had a significant impact on the field of machine learning and physics. Choose one of them for your report. If you find a paper that you would like to work on outside of this list, ask us! :D


Do not hesitate to look for other high-level resources about the papers, such as blog posts or youtube videos. This is perfectly fine and it may help you understand the technical details. However, be aware that the internet is full of terrible content, so choose your sources carefully!

Papers about machine learning in physics:

Significant advances in the machine learning field:

Machine learning perspective:

  • R. Schwartz, et al. Green AI (2020).
    • Overview of the cost of machine learning both economically and environmentally.

Quantum algorithms:


Here, we provide the links to the official publications. However, in some cases, you may not be able to access the pdf. Nonetheless, these papers are all accessible on arXiv.


The report should be, at maximum, 2 pages long explaining the paper. As a guideline, it should contain the answer to the following questions:

  • What is the motivation of the authors?
  • What are the goals?
  • What had been done before? What was the state of the art?
  • Where is the novelty?
  • Are the results important? In which sense?
  • Are the results of general interest or just for the specific area?
  • Is the paper well written, clear, and understandable?