Data Generation

This module generates different types of data



 line (x:numpy.ndarray, a=1.0, b=0.5, interval=[-10.0, 10.0], noise=[0,
       1e-05], nsamples=100)

Create a dataset of nsamples in the interval following the linear regression \(y=a x+b\).

Type Default Details
x ndarray
a float 1.0 Slope
b float 0.5 Intercept
interval list [-10.0, 10.0] Interval for x.
noise list [0, 1e-05] Noise [\(\mu\),\(\sigma\)] with mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\)
nsamples int 100 Number of samples
Returns ndarray the array \(y=ax+b\)



 noisy_line (a=1.0, b=0.5, interval=[-10.0, 10.0], noise=[0, 1e-05],

Create a dataset of nsamples in the interval following the linear regression \(y=a x+b\) and adds a gaussian noise on y.

Type Default Details
a float 1.0 Slope
b float 0.5 Intercept
interval list [-10.0, 10.0] Interval for x.
noise list [0, 1e-05] Noise [\(\mu\),\(\sigma\)] with mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\)
nsamples int 100 Number of samples
Returns tuple - a random x vector in the interval of size nsamples
- the noisy vector following \(y= ax+b\)



 curve (x, coeffs)

Create a vector following the polynomial curve \(y=w^Tx\), where \(x=(x^0...x^d)\) and \(x=(w^0...w^d)\).

Type Details
x dataset to be imputed
coeffs array of the weights of the polynomial of degree d-1, where d is the size of the array.
Returns ndarray the vector \(y=w \cdot x\)



 noisy_curve (coeffs, x=None, interval=[-2, 2], noise=None, nsamples=100)

Create a dataset of nsamples in the interval following the polynomial curve \(y=w^Tx\), where \(x=(x^0...x^d)\) and \(x=(w^0...w^d)\) and adds a gaussian noise on y.

Type Default Details
coeffs array of the weights of the polynomial of degree d-1, where d is the size of the array.
x NoneType None dataset to be imputed. if x is None, then the dataset is constructed with nsamples from a uniform distribution
interval list [-2, 2] interval for the sampling of x
noise NoneType None tuple contining \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\). If noise is None, then there is no noise
nsamples int 100 number of samples for x
Returns tuple - a random x vector in the interval of size nsamples
- the noisy vector following \(y=w \cdot x\)